General Report on Tunny

24A Page 113

24A Introduction
24B Making and entering rectangles
24C Crude convergence
24D Starts for converging rectangles
24E Rectangle significance tests
24F Conditional rectangle
24G Some generalised rectangles
24W Theory of convergence
24X Theory of significance tests
24Y Other theory of rectangles


(a) General remarks on Chi-breaking.

The ultimate criterion in chi-breaking, as in chi-setting, in the ΔD count.

As in setting, and for like reasons, runs are limited to:

    1-wheel runs, known as short wheel-breaking runs;

    2-wheel runs known as rectangles.

Even these are impracticable to run by actually trying all possible wheels, involving millions of trials [25X].

Instead methods are used which, in effect, count ΔD against each character supposing it to be a dot: a good count is evidence that it is a dot; a bad count that it is a cross.

This applies equally to short wheel-breaking runs [25 A] and to rectangles: a rectangle could be treated as a short wheel-breaking run whose wheel is composite, e.g. in a 1+2 rectangle the "wheel" is ΔΧ1 + ΔΧ2 which is 41 x 31 = 1271 long.

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